How to train your dog for Canicross?
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How to train your dog for Canicross?

Do you ever wonder that how sled dog handlers keep their pups in good shape in a dry season? Well, instead of pulling the sleds by themselves, they let their dogs pull it. The dogs run with one another along with pulling the trainer on it. This is a very old practice which is popularly known as urban mushing. This practice is getting popular over the decades. Today, this dog sport is world-widely known as Canicross. This sport is practiced by all types of dog breeds and by all kinds of people. 

What is Canicross?

The major difference between simply running along with your dog and practicing the Canicross sport is that in this game, the animal is attached to the waist of its runner with the help of a bungee leash. This leash helps the dog to immediately pull the handler forward as soon as their feet get off the ground. Macy Hunsocker has been a leading runner in Canicross USA. 

How to start with Canicross?

If you feel you are healthy enough to run and focus, then why not give Canicross sport a try? You don’t need a lot of equipment to practice Canicross. All you need is a well-trained pet pup who can run along with you. Some dogs are a better runner than the others, depending upon their breed and size. This sport requires proper coordination between the dog and their handler. The runner must match the speed and strength of their animal. Most dogs can easily keep up or surpass the human speed. Regular practice will help you in forming the right pace and rhythm. 

This sport can be played by all breeds of dogs. Any dog irrespective of its size and natural instinct could technically participate in the game. But if your dog is hurt or is not physically able to run to or might not have strong airways to pull the sled, then it will be just be like walking your animal on a harness. 

So, before planning to start a canicross exercise with your dog you need to visit a veterinarian near your area, to check that whether the dog is ready for the challenge or not. Once you get a green signal from your pet’s doctor, you can start the practice. You need to build up your dog’s endurance for canicross slowly. Start the practice with short runs, such as daily speedy walks, and then slowly go for the longer runs. Remember; do not let your dog participate into heavy energy-burning exercises until their joints have fully-grownup. Most breed require one to two years to fully finish growing. 

You can also use a few body movements, words, and signs to help your dog understand your commands while canicrossing. Thus, with a little bit of patience, dedication, hard-work and practice, you can easily give canicross a try. This is an amazing sport which will allow you to explore the adventurous side of your pet along with giving you an opportunity to bond and spend some quality with them! 

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